Livestock Enterprise

All our animals are reared outdoors on the natural marshlands of the Ash Levels.

Our livestock enterprise is proudly managed by Roger Dunn, whose family has been breeding quality Sussex cattle at Ash since 1942. The herd was first established by Roger's father with a foundation of traditional Sussex cattle.

Native to the South East of England, Sussex cattle are celebrated for their ability to graze on rough pastures while producing a high-quality carcass. This makes them the perfect breed to graze the water meadows along the River Stour, yielding naturally succulent, marbled meat that is tender and full of flavour.

The herd is divided into two calving groups, with one calving in February/March and the other in August/September. Each cow calves once a year, with calves remaining with their mothers for eight to nine months before being weaned.

Our cattle remain in the fields whenever weather and ground conditions allow. From December to March, they are typically housed and fed on home-produced forage as well as by-products from our other enterprises, including potatoes, apples, pears, and cereals.

We are committed to maintaining high welfare standards and are proud members of the Red Tractor scheme.

2014 Winners Sussex Class

  • Arthur Marchant Perpetual Trophy for the Champion Sussex.

  • Dick Foster Perpetual Trophy for the best of opposite sex to the Champion.

  • Sussex Cattle Society, best matching pair bred by one exhibitor.

  • Senior Heifer, born on or between 1 January and 31 December 2012.

  • Senior Bull, born before 1 January 2013.

  • Family Couple, matching pair of animals immediately related (eg same sire/mother).

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