Fruit Enterprise

Our activity in research & trialling new methods helps us grow high quality fruit, more sustainably.

Our fruit enterprise is expertly managed by Richard Chandler and Charlie Dunn. We honour Kent's centuries-old tradition of fruit growing, thriving in the UK's premier apple-growing region.

Operating across two sites—Goldstone and Perry farms—we cultivate approximately 200 hectares of apple orchards. Our on-site facilities include atmosphere-controlled storage with a capacity of around 3,000 tonnes, where we store and pre-size our fruit before delivering it to packers and supermarkets.

As longstanding and leading members of the Fruition Producer Organisation, we collaborate with Worldwide Fruit as our marketing agent. Our commitment to innovation is evident in our extensive trial plots for Worldwide Fruit Limited (WFL), with up to 60 new variety trials conducted simultaneously.

We were pioneers in the UK, becoming one of the first farms to commercially grow the popular Jazz variety following successful trials for WFL. Additionally, we actively participate in Technology Strategy Board (TSB) projects with WFL, exploring topics ranging from earwig population research to optimizing light levels in tree canopies.

Our partnership with the University of Worcester underscores our dedication to sustainability and biodiversity. We implement wildlife-friendly practices such as planting wildflower strips and maintaining a 'no mow' policy in trial orchards to study their effects on predator populations.

Sustainability remains a priority, with trickle irrigation systems installed in most new orchards planted over the past five years.

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